aajj » Flyff Specific Tips for L - وبلاگ aajj ورود به سیستم

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At level 60 in Flyff, if you can afford restart to full stamina build. Buy the cheap level 59-62 set from NPC. Put water element on the level 56 suit while you are at level 60. Go to kerns. Put

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ایجاد: 18/05/2010 05:37
بروز: 19/09/2010 06:45
مقالات 2
بازدید هفته 7191
بازدید کل 937

aajj :: Flyff Specific Tips for L

وبلاگ های دیگر: 6565 | cvb_fgfgd | ...

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موقعیت: 111/56779 کاربران

این اقلام عبارتند از قدیمی ترین تا جدید ترین مرتب شده اند!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif مقاله: Flyff: Kingdom - 13/07/2010 07:09

Friends Relationship: friends will be re-cleared away, without conversion, because the old Flyff's friends are not intimacy, we can only trouble again after the player file conversion added.

(1) in the near future we will choose the old Flyff launched in the Kingdom of the function, if it is in the guild, then the president choose to Which of the Kingdom, then all members of the Association which will be vested in the kingdom, not the Society's, from players to choose

(2) If the player does not make the choice, Amitabha, do not know Zaban, the only file conversion time, if the association level(Flyff gold), then the system will be the Association's players were part of a property of the Kingdom, not the Society, then the players were attributable to a kingdom.


bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif مقاله: Flyff Guide for The Rewared - 19/09/2010 06:45

Flyff: After reviewing the event rewards we had come to realize that the reward for achieving Hero during the span of this event was a rare CS pet that had not been brought into the Cashshop yet. As if getting the Hero title alone is not incentive enough now players are even more motivated by this. But how can it be fair to previous hero characters that have already been made. Do those players not deserve a reward too?

Some of you may argue that this can apply to any level character that has already surpassed a certain tier for a gift. That too is a valid point but all of those other characters can work towards getting later bonus"s for leveling(flyff gold). Sadly hero"s cannot. We believe that the Hero reward should be changed to Hero"s who get 99.99% or a new reward given to those who reach that. Being a Hero character ourself we find this event a little unfair to us because we can not participate in it.

Sure we can make a new character but lets be real, the only items worth getting from this event are the end game ones. Sure our plan is not flawless since many hero characters have already maxed out at 99.99 but many have not. Either way people will be left out but at least now less people will be. If you vote please comment on why you feel that way, so that people can know that jelous trolls arent just comming in here and voting agaisnt it.